Upamecano & Nianzou in a German lesson
Οι Γάλλοι ποδοσφαιριστές της Μπάγερν Μονάχου, ο Νταγιό Ουπαμεκανό (Dayot Upamecano) και ο Νιανζού Τανγκί Κουασί (Tanguy Nianzou), μας επιδεικνύουν σε βίντεο την πρόοδό τους στην εκμάθηση της Γερμανικής γλώσσας. «We speak better German than Thomas Müller!» λένε αυτοσαρκαζόμενοι...
FC Bayern München: «It's back to the classroom for Dayot Upamecano and Tanguy Nianzou: The French defenders are set tricky German tasks so that they can show off their language skills together. Enjoy this special lesson!»
FC Bayern München: «It's back to the classroom for Dayot Upamecano and Tanguy Nianzou: The French defenders are set tricky German tasks so that they can show off their language skills together. Enjoy this special lesson!»
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