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The Most Beautiful Actresses Every Year 1930 - 2024

The Most Beautiful Actresses
Το YouTube κανάλι World Data επιχειρεί να καταγράψει -και να μας παρουσιάσει μέσω βίντεο δεκάλεπτης διάρκειας- τις ομορφότερες γυναίκες ηθοποιούς από το μακρινό 1930 μέχρι και πέρυσι (2024). Μία ανά έτος. Στην περιγραφή του βίντεο μας λένε σχετικά:

«Who was the most beautiful actress the year you were born? From the glamour of the 1930s to the charm of 2024, beauty has always evolved with the times.

Each year, new stars emerge icons who captivate the world, not just with their looks but also with the legacy they leave behind in the entertainment industry.

This list is based on popular perceptions and beauty trends of each era, featuring actresses often regarded as iconic and standout figures in their respective years, whether from Hollywood or international cinema.

But do the classic beauties of the past still hold up against today’s stars? Let’s take a journey through captivating portraits from black-and-white films to the vibrant colors of modern screens.

You might be surprised by some of the choices on this list! So, watch until the very end to find out who captivated the world each year, because every era holds unforgettable stories and timeless beauty.»

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